Timothy C. Mack, Esq.
Timothy C. Mack, Esq., founded AAI Foresight after several decades of experience in the public policy arena. In addition to holding research positions at prestigious academic institutions such as Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and the National Academy of Sciences, Mr. Mack was the policy analyst for the Comptroller General's Budget Policy Task Force at the U.S. General Accounting Office. Subsequently, he served as Vice President for Research at WPP Ltd., the largest business communications and policy analysis firm in the world.
While working in the private sector, Mr. Mack has assisted organizations in the manufacturing, healthcare, insurance, and energy fields, as well as foreign nations. Mr. Mack has written extensively in the public policy, marketing, and technology areas, and has been published by such presses as MIT press, National Academy Press, the U.S. General Accounting Office, and the Greenwood Publishing Group.
For the past ten years, Mr. Mack served as President and CEO of the World Future Society, the largest and oldest foresight organization in the world. During that period, he consulted for and spoke to a wide range of global associations, corporations and foreign governments concerning trends and change management strategies.
Timothy C. Mack — Foresight Speaking Engagements
Radio and Television
- Canadian Broadcasting Company — Radio Syndication of local live interviews sequentially in eight Canadian cities, concerning future trends. October 2013
- Voice of America, Washington DC, Television Interview Program on Critical Trends for Coming Decade, (Talk Show Guest with David Pearce Snyder), December 2013
- Voice of America, Washington DC, Radio Program on Critical Trends for 2014, Primary Guest, December 2013 [Part of annual guest appearances at year end over previous decade]
- SciTech Voyager — Turkish National Television — Istanbul, Turkey November 2015
- Irregular television and radio interviews in South Korea, Mexico, Brazil, tied to local speaking engagements.
Seminars and Conference Presentations
- Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, Global Futures Conference, Presentation on Foresight Strategies, September 2004
- National League of Cities, Atlanta GA. Led One-day Workshop on Strategic Trends and Scenario Building — January 2005
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Presentation on Nanotechnology Policy Trends [WFS was co-sponsor of RPI conference “Nanotechnology: Innovation, Opportunity and Commercialization”] — February 2005
- Association of Applied Sociology — Bethesda — Presentation on Sociology and Foresight — March 2005
- Seoul Digital Forum, Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS), Korea — Presentation on New Technology Communities — Plus a Televised Panel with John Naisbitt and the United Nations University Millennium Project — May 2005
- Korean Future Society — Seoul, Korea — Presentation — Global Technology Trends — May 2005
- Build Business (Business Social Trends), New Orleans — Conference Presentation on Building Industry, Technology, Society and the Economy — August 2005
- Forward Engagement Project — Rockefeller Brothers Fund — Speaker at Working Group Workshop on Foresight in Federal Government — September 2005
- American Association of Community Colleges, Washington DC — Workshop Keynotes on Education Trends & Market Dynamics — October 2005
- University of Mexico, Dept. of Economics, Mexico City — Presentation on Foresight and Economics — October 2005
- Century Club (Business Leaders) Mexico City, MX — Presentation on Business Trends and Technology — October 2005
- Pan Asian Futures Conference — Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan — Keynote Presentation on Global Interaction through Technology, October 2005
- International Conference Coordinators Assn, (Conference on Global Economics) Montevideo, Uruguay. Opening Keynote on “Trends and Technologies.” Also Spoke to Information Technology and Marketing Trends Breakout Workshops — November 2005
- Univ. of Sao Paulo, Futures Institute and Business School Presentations on South American Business and Technology Trends — November 2005
- Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil — Presentation on Social Trends in Brazil — November 2005
- Project Management Association — Arlington, VA — Keynote Lecture for “Connections and Management” Conference — February 2006
- George Washington University — Virginia Campus — Presentation on Knowledge Management and Higher Education / Strategic GWU Workshop on New Product Development and Implementation — February 2006
- Cub Scouts of America — Bethesda, MD — Presentation and interactive workshop on “Your Future” — March 2006
- Webb Schools, Claremont, California, “Unbounded Thinkers” Series, Keynote “The Future Is Yours” — April 2006
- Fullerton College, California — Senior Management Presentation on Trends in Higher Education — April 2006
- Foundation and Structural Engineers Assn. — Denver, CO — Led two-day strategy session on technology, market, and regulatory trends in engineering — July 2006
- Professional Conference Managers Assn. — Washington DC — Delivered keynote and chaired industry panel on global trends affecting the conference industry — November 2006.
- South Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism — Seoul, Korea — Principal speaker and panelist in three-day conference on the impact of globalization on Korean tourism. Delivered paper on the impact of new technologies on social and cultural change — March 2007.
- Korean National Assembly — Seoul, Korea — Presentation to Grand National Party (GNP) Chairman Kang Jae-sob concerning the role of foresight in governance and global trends in international trade — March 2007
- Korean Academy of Sciences — Seoul, Korea — Presentation on the value of liberal education in the sciences — March 2007
- Sogang University — Seoul, Korea — Presentation on global trends and the role of foresight in management — March 2007
- Samsung Corp. — Seoul, Korea, Samsung Management University program on technology trends. — March 2007
- Finnish Foresight Academy — Turku, Finland — Speaker at conference on creation of World Foresight Academy — October 2007
- University of Wisconsin Business School — Series of lectures and workshops over two days on impact of global change on business and education — October 2007
- Jamaican Institute of Management — Kingston, Jamaica — Series of presentations on the future of Jamaica and the Jamaica 2030 program — November 2007 and April 2008
- Southeastern Florida Library Information Network, Palm Beach, FL, Presentation on Future of Libraries, May 2008
- Global Future of Agriculture, Opening Keynote Presentation, Mexico City, June 2008
- US National Security Agency, Ft. Myer, MD, Presentation on Principles of Foresight — September 2008
- Government of Singapore, Office of Prime Minister, Presentation on National Scanning System for Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning System Conference, Singapore, October 2008
- Anging Teaching University, Anhui Province, China, Presentation on New Education Policies for National Leapfrog Training Program, October 2008
- First Niagara Financial Group, Washington DC, Presentation on Future of American Financial System, November 2008
- National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Disruptive Technologies, Washington, DC Presentation on Worldwide Cultural Impact of Internet Technology, November 2008
- National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Modeling, Simulation and Gaming, Washington DC, Presentation on Global Gaming Culture, February 2009
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France, Presentation on Economic and Scientific Implications of Global Agriculture, March 2009
- World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Washington DC, Presentation on Geo-Engineering, March 2009
- Planning Conference for 2012 Yeosu World Expo, Keynote Presentation on Future of World Oceans in Global Blue Economy, Seoul, Korea, May 2009
- Korean Future Society, Seoul Korea, Presentation on Innovations in Foresight, May 2009
- World City Water Forum, Presentation on Future of Urban Water, Inchon Korea, August 2009
- World Ocean Forum, Closing Keynote on Global Resource Management, Busan, Korea, November 2009
- Strategic Library Management, Keynote Speaker and Scenario Reviewer, Montgomery County, Maryland, November 2009
- Monterey Institute of Technology (Guadalajara Campus) Keynotes on Future of Education in Mexico, January 2010
- Strategic Planning Conference, Global Mining Trends, Presenter, Discussant and Facilitator, Hong Kong, March 2010
- Strategic Planning Conference, Global Mining Scenarios, Presenter, Discussant and Facilitator, Dubai, UAE, May 2010
- NOVA Southeastern University, Summer Leadership Summit, Closing Keynote Speaker, Future of Education Research, Florida, July 2010
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, Presentation on Foresight and National Security, July 2010
- Pacific Northwest Enterprise Risk Forum, Keynote Speaker, Seattle WA October 2010
- Conmemoración en México del 50 Aniversario de la OCDE Alcázar del Castillo de Chapultepec, Online Presentation for Mexico City Audience, October 2010
- League of Nebraska Municipalities, Lincoln, NE Keynote Speaker on Future of Midwest, February 2011
- Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC — ‘Winning the Future: Strategic Foresight in an Age of Uncertainty’ April 2011
- Korean Communications Commission, Opening Keynote on Future of Smart Technology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011
- Washington State Investment Board, “Weak Signals: Tools for Investment Analysis” Tacoma, WA July 2011
- Mexico Business Summit, Education Forum Presentation, Querétaro, MX November 2012
- World Future Day, Keynote, Turkish Future Society, Istanbul, March 2013
- Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning [ITU PP-14 Preparatory Secretariat] Keynote on ‘The importance of global ICT policies in realizing a Creative Economy’ at the Global ICT Policy Forum, Seoul, November 2013
- Council of Scientific Society Presidents, Washington DC, Future Prospects for Science Policy, DC, December 2013
- Communications Leadership Exchange, Philadelphia, PA, Future of Communications Keynote for Annual Conference, April 2014
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber, Bethesda, MD, Presentation on Future of Marketing to 55+ Demographic, May 2014